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Hair loss is a problem faced by many people. For some, losing hair is not a problem. They will then shave their heads so as not to let the sparse...

Hair loss is a problem faced by many people. For some, losing hair is not a problem. They will then shave their heads so as not to let the sparse areas appear, but above all, they will fully assume this new image.

For others, however, it can be much more difficult to manage. Mockery from those around you or even insistent looks, self-esteem is then affected and the loss of confidence is quickly felt. All occasions are good to hide his complex. The use of cap, beanie or even the use ofhair transplantation , today, everything is done to allow you to overcome this problem.

But what about hair loss in women?

You may not know it yet, but some women also go through the same situation. Hair loss caused by stress, illness, or emotional shock. If it is difficult for a man to notice this change, for a woman it is just as much.

In today's life, it is more "common" to meet a man with a shaved head than a woman. The image of the woman with the mane of a lioness being inscribed in mores, it can therefore be morally very difficult to accept for some people.

Solutions almost identical to those of men are already available to you. Just like for you, gentlemen, it is possible to make up for hair loss with hair powder, however, this obviously remains ephemeral and does not last over time. Hair transplantation is also possible but the result takes much longer because women generally have longer hair than men.

Put on a wig and voila. Well ! Unfortunately, things are not that simple! Women 2.0 wigs are indeed very realistic, but bathing, or even playing sports, is impossible. Although many female celebrities opt for trendy and sometimes extravagant wigs, the problem always remains when the wig is removed.

The most reliable solution therefore remains the hair prosthesis . This one being glued, it is therefore quite possible to continue the various daily activities but also to perform a good number of hairstyles. Duringthe monthly interview , facing the mirror is absolutely not an obligation. This method therefore allows you to keep the image you have of yourself, that is to say with beautiful hair and not hair loss.

The disadvantages women encounter are the standard features of our stock prostheses. So in order to obtain hair that meets their expectations, our users opt for tailor-made clothing that allows them to modify the length of the hair, the density but also the undulation. As you know, tailoring requires time, and therefore special organization to ensure that you always have a prosthesis in advance.

Today we wanted to introduce you to this BYSIX user who suffers from complete alopecia areata. For those who do not know, alopecia areata, or in other words, alopecia in plaques, is a dermatological pathology that can affect the hair, body hair but also the nails. For some, the hair loss is located in certain areas of the skull, however for others, it affects the whole head.

Alopecia woman BYSIXHair prosthesis for womenTailor-made hair supplement for women

This user opted for a total hair prosthesis which allows her to find a beautiful full hair. AMicro HD with 180% density and a hair length of 35 centimeters, which suits her perfectly. I wanted to underline the courage of this BYSIX user because it is also very difficult for a woman to assume her hair loss. This is why, I hope that this article will allow those who suffer from hair loss to regain their self-confidence.

So you know that today, women also wear hair prostheses. At BYSIX, we are delighted that our models allow our users to rediscover the pleasure of appreciating themselves again in the mirror.

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