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affiliation bysix


Generate income with the affiliate program

Create your Ambassadors account today and start talking about the BYSIX brand to your community or those around you.

Register for the program

An affiliate program that really pays off!

It's simple: use your platform and your voice to share the benefits of the BYSIX brand with your network. And when a user from your community places an order through your affiliate link, you get a 5% commission on that order. No earnings limit, commission payments from €50, link cookies valid for 30 days, €10 offered when you create your affiliate account...

Become an ambassador

You pay nothing! You access the portal of the affiliate program, then you proceed to your online registration.

Recommend BYSIX

Share BYSIX with your audience on your website, blog, social media, or any other platform you own.

Earn income

Thanks to the affiliate link specially created for you, our software recognizes customers who place orders through your platform.

The program

Join us !

Are you looking for a way to earn money online in an easy and profitable way? Join our affiliate program today! There is no registration fee and you can unsubscribe at any time.

We offer you 10€ when you register...

See terms

You have questions ?

Here are some answers that may help you.

Who is the program for?

To everybody ! Mainly to influencers, bloggers, Youtubers etc... However, if you are a BYSIX customer and you have relatives who wish to embark on the adventure of hair supplements, then you can request your affiliation.

Are there any restrictions?

Some restrictions are actually put in place to ensure compliance with the BYSIX brand. For example, we do not accept solicitation or even affiliate abuse for your own personal account. Payments are sent manually after verification. Consult the conditions of affiliation

What is a link cookie?

A link cookie makes it possible to record the origin of the user who places the order. It is this cookie that is important in generating your earnings. We believe that a period of 30 days for the storage of affiliate cookies is sufficient.

What are the means of payment?

For reasons of simplicity, we set up the bank transfer for our ambassadors. When you register on the dedicated portal, you will be asked to add your bank details. Once the €50 cap has been reached, you can request payment to your bank account.

Join the program

Create your Ambassadors account today and start talking about the BYSIX brand to your community or those around you!

Register for the program

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